MAD Backyard Ultra
Come out and join us for our next event in January!
EPetty | 11/29/2022
MAD Backyard Ultra
Saturday, January 21st
Camp Jordan
The MAD Backyard Ultra is brought to you by the Chattanooga Track Club and the Locomotion Endurance event's race director.
In 2022, MAD backyard ultra was slotted as a bronze ticket event for The Big Dog's Backyard Ultra. Last year's winner earned a free entry into Ohio's Backyard Ultra. Participants will run a 4.1667-mile loop every hour until only one person is standing. You have one hour to finish the loop once it has started. If you finish a loop within the hour, you may start the next hour’s loop, provided you are in the start corral when the next hour starts. If you do not finish within the hour, you are out of the race and considered a DNF.
We have special coins for those that complete 26.2M, 50K, 50M, 100K, 100M, and beyond coins.
Come out and test your limits with the Chattanooga Track Club!
Register today HERE!