Runner of the Year Competition

Joe McGinness Runner of the Year Competition

The Joe McGinness Runner of the Year (ROY) contest is an annual competition designed to promote running and fitness among Chattanooga Track Club (CTC) members and to recognize our most competitive runners overall and by age group.

Latest scores / standings:  2024 Roy Race Results


GUIDELINES FOR RUNNER OF THE YEAR:  Participants MUST be a CURRENT CTC member at the start of the ROY event. Points are not retroactive.


  • Youth / Junior compete as a runner or walker in at least three (3) ROY events during the year.
  • Compete as a runner or walker in at least five (5) ROY events during the year.
  • There are two award groups offered in the ROY program:  Overall Runner of the Year and Age Group Runner of the Year
  • Scoring for Overall Runner of the Year competitors is based on the top 8 ROY events participants run during the year.
  • Scoring for Age Group Runner of the Year competitors is based on the top 10 ROY events participants run during the year.
  • ROY Age Calculation: Please note that your ROY Age Group for the current year is based on the age you are on June 30 of that year.

NOTE: In the event of an end of year tie in all points scored, the winner will be determined to be the individual with the majority of wins (faster times) in head-to-head comparison across all ROY events where the tied individuals competed in the same event.

Awards and Recognition for All Runner of the Year Recipients are given at the club's Annual Banquet.  In addition, First Place Overall Female and Male and First Place Female and Male Age Group Runner of the Year names will appear on CTC's ROY plaques.


  • Top Overall Male and Female who have earned the most points out of their best 8 ROY events vs. the entire field of ROY competitors during the year. Top overall Male and Female award recipients are pulled out of their respective age groups and the remaining competitors in that age group each roll up in position.

  • Top 3 Male and Female runners in each age group who have earned the most points out of their best 10 ROY events vs. the field of ROY competitors in their age group during the year (excluding the Overall Male and Female award winners). 


In addition to the awards presented at the CTC annual banquet, the names of the First Place Overall Female and Male Runners of the Year and the First Place Winners in each ROY Age Group will added to the CTC Runner of the Year Plaques for 2023.

AGE GROUP SCORING CATEGORIES - Women and Men  There are eight (8) ROY Age Groups:

Youth 15 & under

Junior 16-19

Young Adults    20-29

Adults 30-39

Masters 40-49

Grand Masters     50-59

Seniors 60-69

Grand Seniors 70+

How Old Am I? - Your ROY AGE for Age Group Scoring:  Your ROY Age Group for the current year is based on the age you are on June 30 of that year

Youth Vs. Adult Events For Scoring:  For most ROY events, youths and adults will score points in the same event.  On certain dual event days, however, youths can only score points in the ROY events specified as Youth ROY for that day and adults, likewise, can only score points in the adult ROY event for that day.  Those events are noted with an asterisk in the ROY Series Calendar

POINT SYSTEM AND REPORTING  Points are awarded to the first ten ROY eligible finishers in each ROY category (Overall and Age Group) as follows. You must be a CTC member at the start of the race in order to collect ROY finishing points.

Please note that the Chickamauga Battlefield Half Marathon scores full normal points for adult competitors. The CBM Full, by contrast, scores 2x Normal ROY points for all full marathon competitors.  Please see 2024 ROY Event Calendar for youth and adult point values per event.

PlaceStandard Event PointsCBM 26.2 Points



Bonus Points for Non-ROY Event Participation

Local Events:  Earn up to fifty (50) Non-ROY event bonus points throughout the year for participating in any Non-ROY event within 50 miles of Chattanooga.  Each non-ROY event earns 10 points.

Destination Events:  Earn 10 Bonus Points for ONE destination race outside of the 50-mile radius. Some form of proof of official event participation via results must be provided to the ROY points keeper in order to be eligible.  Submissions by email are preferred.  Links to race results, images of results from the race site, PDFs of same, etc. are all acceptable. 

The maximum number of points for Non-Roy events is fifty (50).

Submit Bonus Points Earned requests and info to:

ROY STANDINGS, REPORTING/AVOIDING ISSUES  Runners can check the current ROY standings by visiting the ROY points page on the Chattanooga Track Club web site. Please note, ROY standings are updated as finishing results are made available and as the ROY points keeper is able to calculate the earned ROY points from those results.

Whenever any discrepancy is noted on the ROY results page, it should be reported to the ROY points keeper as soon as possible so that they may work to resolve the issue and ensure the posted results are correct for all competitors.

Ways to help ensure accurate points capture and recording:

  • Make sure your CTC membership is current
  • Make sure your birthdate is accurate in your CTC member record
  • Use the same first and last name and/or nickname and last name that is on your CTC member record.  If you are unsure, log into your account and confirm or update your information as needed.
  • Print your name clearly.  When you mail in an application or sign up for a race on race day, print your name clearly so the data entry volunteer is more likely to enter it correctly.   Points are scored based on names matching, so the more often your name is correctly / consistently entered, the fewer issues with points.
  • Make sure you include your correct birthdate and age on race day on all printed applications, whether mailed in on filled out on race day.
  • Make sure your gender is correct on same.

For any / all ROY-related questions and/or suggestions, please email:

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© 2025 Chattanooga Track Club
1014 Dallas Rd, Ste 101
Chattanooga, TN 37405