Long Runners Rules and Challenges

Award Categories:
THE 50-MILER CHALLENGE: The 50-Miler Award is an annual award given to the CTC member who has completed at least one single-day event (road or trail) of at least 50 miles and less than 100 miles. Stage races do not qualify unless one of the stages is at least 50 miles. (A stage race is a race that has been divided in several parts, as in a multi-day event, with one stage being one part of that race. The Vol State 500K, for example, is NOT a stage race because the clock keeps ticking until the very end.)
THE 100-MILER CHALLENGE: The 100-Miler Award is an annual award given to the CTC member who has completed at least one event (road or trail) of 100 miles or more in length. Stage races do not qualify unless one of the stages is at least 100 miles. (A stage race is a race that has been divided in several parts, as in a multi-day event, with one stage being one part of that race. The Vol State 500K, for example, is NOT a stage race because the clock keeps ticking until the very end.)
THE 100+ MARATHONS CHALLENGE: This is a lifetime award to be given to the CTC member who has completed at least 100 marathons during his/her running career.
THE 50 MARATHONS/50 STATES CHALLENGE: This is a lifetime award to be given to the CTC member who has completed a marathon in each of the 50 states.
THE 7 CONTINENTS CHALLENGE: This is a lifetime award to be given to the CTC member who has completed a marathon on all seven continents.
THE GRAND SLAM: The Grand Slam is a SPECIAL award given to the CTC member who completes ALL FIVE of the above listed challenges. GOOD LUCK!!!
And finally:
The Rules:
1. Long Runners are recognized each year for accomplishments undertaken from December 1 of the previous year through November 30 of the current year.
2. Anyone may nominate a CTC member for a Long Runner award (including the runner himself/herself), as long as the nomination for the current season is made no later than November 30 of the current year and as long as the CTC member was also a member at the time the challenge was completed. In the case of lifetime awards, the recipient must be a CTC member at the time he completes his his/her final marathon.
3. Proof of any such accomplishment should be sent by email no later than November 30 of the current year to the CTC Long Runners Committee, namely Lynda Webber and Ron Branam, at endurogal@gmail.com and kt4iw@arrl.net, respectively. Any challenge completed after November 30 will be associated with the following year.
4. The Long Runners Committee may also bestow, at its discretion, a 'special achievement' award for an outstanding accomplishment, as voted on by the CTC Board, which has either taken the recipient 'a long time to get there' or requires 'a long way to go.' An example of such an accomplishment would be the award presented to Bud Wisseman in 2014 for completing 25 consecutive Boston Marathons, and for being inducted into the official Boston Marathon Quarter Century Club. If you believe that you or someone you know has completed an outstanding running accomplishment, you may present your nomination for consideration to the CTC Race Committee and the CTC Club Manager as outlined in Item 3, above.